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Environmental Product Disclosure (EPDs) is a document that is standardized, verified, and registered, summarizing information about the environmental activities of the product.

EPDs address issues related to product manufacturers publishing non-discriminatory, selective. unverified, misleading, incomparable, and often incomprehensible environmental data derived from non-standardized methodologies.

The key foundation on which EPD is built is the Life Cycle Assessment. The LCA compiles and evaluates, according to ISO 14040, the inputs, outputs, and potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its life cycle. The information generated from the process will be relevant, verified, and comparable

Steps to a registered EPD

Step 1 – Need to perform an EPD

Step 2 – Choice of products and system boundary

  • Choice of products
  • This EPD is a cradle-to-gate EPD covering A1-A3 stages of the life cycle

A1: Raw material supply

  • Extraction and processing of raw materials
  • Extraction and processing of primary fuels
  • Processing of secondary materials Generation of electricity, steam, and heat
  • Processing up to end-of-waste state
  • Transport of raw materials within the upstream supply chain

A2: Transport

  • Transportation up to factory gate and internal transport

A3: Core processes

  • Production of ancillary materials and pre-products
  • Manufacturing of concrete
  • Waste treatment and transport

Step 3 – PCR, Program Operator Instructions

Step 4 – Data mining from own reports, suppliers

  • Includes raw material data
  • Consume resources and waste for product
  • The PCR will determine the specific data that need to collect
  • Based on the stages of the product lifecycle
  • The types of impacts that your LCA will need to evaluate
  • Expected Schedule:ollowing the schedule of own reports, suppliers

Step 5 – Life cycle assessment – LCA – according to CSI tool

  • The LCA will need to match the PCR and LCA according to CSI tool
  • Expected Schedule: 2-3 months

Step 6 – Additional technical info or scenarios

–     Expected Schedule: 2 weeks

Step 7 – Documentation, verification report

  • Baseline report
  • Be an important part of accompanying your public EPD.
  • It provides more detail about the LCA method, the assumptions and approaches used to support third-party verification, as well as the standards you have adhered to.
  • Expected Schedule: 1 month

Step 8 – Third-party verification

  • Any EPD needs to be verified by an independent third-party verifier before it can be published. This ensures accuracy, reliability and ensures that EPD is in line with the requirements of the PVR involved.
  • Expected Schedule:1 month

Step 9 – Registration with Program Operator

Step 10 – Publication and use of EPD

  • After your EPD has been verified by an independent third party, it is ready to be included in the public domain through publication.
  • Expected Schedule: 1 – 2 months

Please contact us if you would like to make the EPDs :

  • Email:
  • M: 0979 204 338

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